Hairy Jacket

Alexis is smiling so sweetly while she models this hairy leopard print blouse/jacket.  Little was she to know that seconds later this garment prickled to life and devoured her, limb by limb, in a symphony of carnage the likes of which humankind hasn’t witnessed since the Gauls vs Romans.  I had little time to mourn the loss of my friend, and, after a brief flirtation with guilt-ridden thoughts that perhaps I shouldn’t have asked Alexis to model this dangerous-looking ensemble in the first place, I decided to hightail it out of Baltimore before the police and Salvation Army started asking questions.  I made a beeline for my car, but only after quickly scanning the display case at the counter for vintage accessories, selecting and purchasing a cute 1950’s mother of pearl cocktail purse (so “now”!)

As I made my way through a labyrinth of Baltimore brownstones unaided by GPS my subconscious alternated between stylized visions of The Wire, and painful flashbacks of that day’s thrifty massacre.  I tried to remember how it all started…

“Oh my.”  I said, “You need to try on that hairy one?”

“Which hairy one… this?” Alexis responded, indicating an outdated, but not thoroughly off-base angora sweater.

“No.  The hairy one.” I emphasized, motioning to the murderous caftan.

“Ooooh.  The hairy one.”

And seconds later it was the end.  If only I’d let her try on the angora.  Sigh.

Disclaimer:  No Alexises were harmed in the writing of this blog post.  I can’t make the same promise about leopards.  Or Omar.

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